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Skin Bonding: who had the time to do this?

When I first started setting up this blog, they added sample blogs that you can write about and one of them was “The importance of skin bonding with your child!” Yes, I attempted this with my first but after the first time she pooped down my boobs and I was all by myself, I had to figure out how to put this slippery tiny thing down so that I can get this nasty runny poop off my chest, right then and there I decided that was not for me or her, for that matter. I wanted to try again with my next one since I thought that now I have this parenting thing down pat but once I changed my daughters diaper, got her a snack, breast fed the baby and changed his diaper, pumped out the rest of my milk, then it was time for my daughter to take a nap and when she was finally sleeping the baby would start crying and the feeding, diapers and pumping and me crying would start all over again. Now, with my third I thought well if i am not wearing a bra while I am breastfeeding, and he has nothing but a diaper on while eating there has to be some kind of skin-to-skin bonding going on! Does this make me a bad mom HELL NO! as I write and you read this, please be advised that I have a potty mouth and I will try to keep it to PG-21 Haha!

When are us NORMAL moms not TV moms or the MAGAZINE mom supposed to have time to do all the stuff we read or see? Let’s move on to family game night, I tried to start this when my kids were 6,5,4, we played candy land, WOW that was ONE game I will never play again. MEMORY that was not my best choice, I made sure it was the one that was age appropriate for all of them, but it was so chaotic that the two older ones got frustrated that the baby was not playing right and moving the pictures around they all quit and left me sitting there by myself on the floor.

I just don’t understand why I can’t make any of these family bonding things I try never work out no matter how hard I try. Of course, as every mother does, I blame myself because how can we blame our sweet, amazing children or our significant others if you have one! I keep trying for family game night every time I find a new game, I think they will like! Even with my children being older now 14,13,11 (or if you ask him, he is 12 because he is closer than he is to 10) I still have a hard time finding the time to FAMILY BOND with them. I believe now it is due to the fact that I am not cool anymore and if it isn’t their idea then it’s not worth giving it 100% participation and then I get frustrated now and get irritated and quit and leave them sitting on the floor so to speak! UGH yes, I am the one that quits now mostly for my sanity, but again I blame myself and not my sweet, amazing children! I have decided to do my bonding with them individually by nurturing their interests. My daughter is all about being out of the house, everything I go somewhere I take her with me, and we sign our playlists of songs and talk about boys and her friends. My middle one, is all about cooking, he wants to be a chef and go to the culinary art institute of New York. Every night he helps me cook dinner. I don’t even have to ask him he comes and gets me to start dinner. While we are cooking, we are talking about girls and things going on in his life. My youngest is into Flag Football so I take him to his practices and games, and we go out to eat afterward. I truly hope that this working I feel very close to my children and like I said we didn’t do too much skin-to-skin bonding.

This is my note for the night, I believe that as long as I keep trying that shows my children that I want a bond with them and they know I am never going to give up on trying, I believe that as long as I tell them that I Love Them and am proud of them every day that that is what makes me a good mother!

I can’t wait to tell you what happened with these amazing kids tonight, but I am going to save that for tomorrow because I am truly ready to watch a game that doesn’t involve my children and that of course is the ” GAME OF THRONES”.

Thanks for reading and if you can relate and want to share a story with me to help me not feel alone, please don’t hesitate to do so!

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